Yunpeng Gao

difan_su.JPGGeospatial tool for septic system contaminant loads

Septic systems are onsite wastewater systems that are used in areas without wastewater treatment plants. Septic systems are one of the non-point sources that still has limited quantification. Septic systems' impact on nutrient loads in the Lake Erie Basin and other water bodies around the world is still needed to be studied. 

Lack of inventories of septic system numbers and locations within Ontario provides challenges to make estimation of the relative contribution of these systems to tributary contaminant loads. Thus, the objective of this research is to develop an automatic spatial placements of individual septic system within land parcels and develop a numerical model to describe the relationship between physical characteristics of septic systems and their contamination.

Personal Background:

Yunpeng graduated from University of Waterloo in 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in Geomatics and Joint Mathematics. In September 2022, Yunpeng Joined Restore Group under the supervision of Dr. Clare Robinson to continue his Education.